Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pragmatic Solutions and Offended Sensibilities

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, though sometimes some people make me wish it weren't so. Unless you are a spineless moron totally incapable of a single coherent thought, you can not be in agreement with everyone's opinion. I am not being abusive when I say a spineless moron: there are two case scenarios for it. One, you have to be spineless to be able to bend over backwards to make someone feel like they are the next Da Vinci while inwardly you feel they are wrong and a moron for recognizing it and going against your better judgement. Two, you are a moron who forgets what what they stood for yesterday, and thus spineless by all standards.
Something that comes close to ill thought-out opinions in terms of being annoying and being classified by the brain as white noise is offended sensibilities. I have never (except that one time when I did not see the need to prove this point at the cost of a beat down, story for another day if I ever get to it) and will never apologize for offending someone's sensibilities; only for mistakes and wrongdoings. After all, life is a stage and we all put on an act, and I am not about to get involved in anyone's drama or be taken in by someone's performance.
Where am I going with this? I am tired of hearing everyone's opinion why this should be that and whenever I ask what we can do about it if it is something I give a hoot about or what they are going to do about it if I could not give less of a fig, the answer is almost always, what can one do? You mean you have wasted my time and brain's processing power on a problem you knew was intractable?
Here are examples: you are sitting watching some boring @$$ movie or TV program when the guy with the remote says it is boring. You ask them to change it, and they say since you had already started watching it, you might as well finish it. What kind of retarded thinking is that? If you were getting burnt, would you keep your foot or hand in the fire, seeing as you already got a blister, you might as well get it to medium rare?
As a matter of fact, to all retarded thinkers, I'm sorry. Even they would pull back their limb from the fire, until they did not.
You are sitting in a club (I seem to sit a lot huh? ) enjoying yourself in the company of male and female friends when all over sudden the topic veers to gay shiet. Now, if we were talking about lesbianism, more than my interest will be piqued but in this case, I decide to use the opportunity of others bickering to make most of the communal bottle of whiskey, spirit or gin, or whatever it is with a high percentage of alcohol in it being shared. Someone notices that you are making no contribution to the debate and a negative one to the alcohol quantity and asks you what you think of people being gay and you honestly answer you do not have a thought to spare them. Someone asks why. Here is why: according to me, what two people do behind closed doors is none of my business. What is it is flaunted in your eyes? another asks. I would do nothing, I reply as I reach for my bottle, now that all eyes are on me. I hate being in the spotlight when there is drinking to be done.
That is being a pussy, one declares. Watch your language especially taking into account the topic of discussion, I answer, then go on and explain that while most problems have infinite solutions, only a few are optimal or practical. There are two pragmatic solutions to this one. I could ignore it and live my life or fight them, either through violence or forums and lobbying. I have no intention of going to jail so violence is out of question and lobbying against something instead of for or to get something does not seem to be a great idea to me. Thus my pragmatic solution is lets all live, as it means more girls for me, and why the hell are we talking about gay shiet while surrounded by beautiful women? That is like complaining about how smelly shiet is instead of enjoying a meal.    
Another pragmatic solution is to end this post right about..... now.

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