Friday, April 20, 2012

Code 420 (Adverts)

Today is #420, and me being me (as opposed to who?) I kinda started early. This lead to hyper priming and I had a conversation with myself (sometimes its the only way to have an intelligent conversation) on what would it be like if adverts were true: one things for sure, the companies would sell less.

Drugs Adverts

You have come across an advert that goes like:
"Are you feeling tired and depressed? try drug Y blah blah blah"
In the parallel universe where adverts have to be true due to real governance as opposed to governments, here its how the script would go
"Are you feeling tired and depressed? that because you fucking are!!!! However buy this drug Y and the placebo effect will trick your pea-brain that you feeling on top of the world"

Then there is the ubiquitous
"If symptoms persists,seek medical advice/maumivu yakizidi,mwone daktari"
would be
"you are a goner!!!/Hausaidiki budda boss" or "you are too sick or we are too stupid.Either way you are fucked!!"

Drug adverts

In this category we have beer, cigarettes, anti-depressants e.t.c.
The company's vision statement might be something like
"Helping all self-destructive humans achieve their goal" and the advertisement will be
"Temporarily postponing your shit so you can process it as a batch (/toilet)... "
to be continued [you wonna bet?]

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