This the area where wrong and right merge, dark and light co-exist and nothing said can or would be held against the author in a court of law, morals, social norms, tennis or any other court implied but not limited to, any meaning perceived from the word court.
Warning: Opinions herein contained are not even necessarily the author’s own.
Peoples, after a dilated bladder and listening to Dilated Peoples (couldn't help myself) and Kanye West, I decided I better get ma shit together and earn me some trillions. I know enough about the brain to know this will not be easy, considering some neural nets are already hardwired to reward me when I get high n shit but then that got me thinking that every time I made mullah I should get high activating my am-so-high neurons n shit, which will activate my reward center which will signal the hypothalamus to produce more dopamine n shit making money my new drug n shit (blame it activation of the neural net mapping to
Well I know this won't be easy, but the good news is, it can be done in one step:
Here goes....
.. (Blame it on FB, hehehehehe)
This one of the reasons you should stop whatever you are doing; you were expecting something profound?
In other news, AM BACCCKKKKK!!!